Sunday, October 4, 2009

The small plate trick...

Okay, so I have been told that a person will eat less, just because they use a smaller plate. We are preconditioned as fat Americans to fill our plates, and to eat everything on them. So the theory is, if you use a smaller plate, you trick the mind, and end up eating much fewer calories.

So, I tried it last night, and the truth is, I didn't eat much. I don't know if it is because I was so tired by the time I ate that I wanted sleep more than food, or if my brain was actually fooled by the smaller plate.

Either way, I have decided to eat all my meals on salad plates instead of dinner plates.

That's all for now. Goodbye.


  1. It's a good trick! And also... I eat my salads on big "dinner" plates so I get tons of veggies in and feel like I'm eating a lot! :) <3

    ~Jenn (Ex Hot Girl)

  2. I totally do this myself. And Jenn up there? She's a wise one. I am making salads at dinner, and I'm gonna fill up a BIG plate tonight.

    Thanks for the comment today.

  3. Heh, re: your comment, I'm so glad I'm not the only freakazoid out there. <3

  4. I can't quite deal with that smaller plate thing. It just doesn't feel right to me. I would rather have a larger plate and have more open space. LOL
